Google art project

Search the google art project to find hundreds of painting, photographs and prints from many museum collections accross the word. Zoom in to some of the giga pixel images up to extrodinary levels of magnification. This particular painting by Hans Holbein the Younger can be zoomed into even further than the eye framed below which is good for comparative reasons.ImageImage

Photoseed: Pictorialist photography from new collection

Photoseed: Pictorialist photography from new collection

PhotoSeed, representing an evolving online record of this early fine-art photography movement, is a private archive with simple goals: beauty, truth, scholarship and enjoyment for all who visit.

Robert Demanchy

Robert Demanchy

Processes for Art Photography (Les Procédés D’Art en Photographie) was published in 1906 under the imprint of the Photo-Club de Paris by two of its’ most important photographer- founder members: Robert Demachy and Constant Puyo. The volume served as a working technical guidebook and showcase for photographic practitioners principally interested in perfecting Gum-Bichromate printing but also the Ozotype, Rawlins and Platinum printing processes as well.